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Treatment to Psoriasis

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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by HWK Sun Jul 13, 2008 7:00 pm

Hi everyone,

I am having psoriasis for the past 15 years. Initially happended around scalp and nails. It managed to clear but the it come back again since 4 years ago. Now, focusing on nails. Seen various skin specialists, applying ointment now. Seeing not much improvement. Wondering on herbal or alternative way of treatment, besides mainstream.


Number of posts : 3
Age : 49
Registration date : 2008-07-13

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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Re: Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by Dom Mon Jul 14, 2008 11:42 am

Hi Ho Wen Kuan,

Greetings from us here cheers

Glad you have found us.

Shall we call you Ho or Wen Kuan or HWK or Very Happy

Firstly, where are you based in Malaysia?

Please also check out the other posts on the forum where we have discussed various other treatments available in Malaysia.

To share, my derm has actually administered biologics to patients before as he also consults in University Hospital PJ - however there are very few patients who can afford it or perhaps sponsored by govt.

With regards to P on the nails - I have it too. I find that the scalp lotions i.e. like cloderm scalp lotion (HOE pharmaceuticals is the cheapest I think) also work on the nails. My derm also encourage me to use it that way instead of scalp. It is very easy to apply and not messy since is is liquid based.

I even apply on it when I'm driving or at work.

Hope this helps. Take care and hope to hear from you in more threads.


Number of posts : 92
Registration date : 2007-02-07

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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by HWK Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:31 pm

Hi Dom,

Thanks a lot for your reply. Will try out the scalp lotion that you recommended.

It is known to be no-cure to this diseases yet. Formal medication for this problem goes hand-in-hand with side-effects. One recent option is biologics that mentioned by you. Which the price could be killing us and not all of us afforded.

I visited doctor in Unversity hospital. From normal GP, than allow to refer to specialist but queued up for 3 months to get the first appoitment. Among the skin doctors that available, seen one is of the young doctor, which I explained my condition, and yet his is confused and not really understand what wrong with my nails. Allowed for nails sample testing for fungus. But, with good altitude and openess to new knowledge.

Waited for another round of queued up of few weeks to get the report of sampling and second appoitment. Picked a so called more "popular" skin doctor, and immediately prescribed with strong fungus clearing tablets, based on the report that show on the positive of fungus. Alas, what a disappoitment! And, not to care about my previous rounds of medication which could harm the kidney and liver by giving another round of fungus steriod. I didn't take the medicine and look for another skin specialist in USJ(Ranjit).

Based on the prescription, I knew that I am going round and round the same problem, facing doctors that treated the nails psoriasis as fungus issue. Before that, I have gone thru a few round of fungus medication, with various skin doctors. Nothing help, with my nails psoriasis prolong for these 3-4 years. (that time I were not clear on what my disease is !)

Able to met 1 or 2 skillful doctors out of 10 doctors that confirm, it is nail psoriasis instead of fungus. That, echoed the first doctor in Ipoh GH that diagnosed me with the right disease 15 years ago. But, I am too young to know the disease and take note of the impact and feature of the disease until the recent 3-4 years ago outbreak. 15 years ago, I were able to clear my nail problem with the white cream that given by the GH Ipoh doctor. Came back a few times, but easily clear with the cream.

Not the same story again, after all these years. And, it won't go away now. In a dilemma, if taking medication, mostly react and caused strong side-effects in the long run. And, not gurantee it will works. Also, as a woman, the impact of medication to pregnancy is big issue.

I am thinking of, what are the chances of other ways of healing psoriasis? Like chinese herbal, Dr Pagano way of diet (which I just got to know from this forum). And reserved the book today.

Is diet and food serve some influences?

Any good doctor to recommend as well?


Number of posts : 3
Age : 49
Registration date : 2008-07-13

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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Re: Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by qse150 Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:12 am

yo dom .... actually you can easily get treatment from government hospital. I've been receiving treatment from dermatologist from the KL GH and the Sibu GH since 4 or 5 years ago. The amount of medication are quite generous especially the moiturizer which could last me a few months. Very Happy

i got nail p too ..and sometimes it bleeds. dunno why but not much pain. Only when someone tells me my finger is bleeding ..then i know Razz
And as for the treatment.... i didnt do anything bout it. It just come and go as it like. lol

btw ...keep moisturizing guys .... sometimes i think it works better than those LPC and steroid type of medication.


Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2008-06-20

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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Re: Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by qse150 Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:14 am

btw HWK ... P is the smartest skin disorder around. If you use a certain type of medication on your p for tooooo loongg will develop an immunity to it. Well...thats based on my own two cents Razz

I switch regularly between LPC and bethamethesone (white cream) and moisturizer.


Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2008-06-20

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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Re: Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by Dom Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:17 pm

Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the reply and good sharing. HWK, I have tried pagano.

It worked beautifully the first time. Then I got a really bad leg infection (cellulitis) and flared up.

The 2nd round, Pagano did not work. I even wrote to Pagano which he was nice enough to reply but said he did not have any other advise other than what was written in the book.

Hence my search for a "relief" came in the form of Acitretin/Soriatane. I am down to only 2-3% P. The best part about Acitretin is that my scalp is very much better. Still very mild case of flaking but really really much better. Now I am confident to go to the gym and wear T-Shirt (short sleeve)


Having said that, I still find the following food items triggers my P (tho not as bad as before) - shell fish i.e. prawns, crabs + alcohol, processed food e.g. fried potato chips, junk food, etc.

The pagano diet will also get your body healthy. Presume that a healthy body also means a healthy immune system. If you really want to know what I do for my diet (which is pretty strict for some) - let me know and I will start another thread on it ... heh heh

With regards to a doctor, I would recommend my derm which is also one of the consulting specialist at University Hospital. He also runs a private practice in D'sara Utama. His name is Dr Koh. You can PM me and I get give you his number (apologies - I don't want to leave his number on the open forum cuz dunno if it will be safe).

Number of posts : 92
Registration date : 2007-02-07

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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by HWK Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:49 pm

Hi all,

Thanks for the sharing. A lot of new things to me that I read from your experience. We are not alone and together we could help each other for a better future.

I read from book that P is disease in relate to immune system. The cause of it still in the dark, but widely advocated as genetically related. Those with the imbedded genetic, might not have P, as long as it is not triggered. Trigger point could be bacteria/virus inflection. Also, it is highly influenced by stress and emotion condition.

Hence, it is of solid ground that, if diet or exercise could influence psoriasis. Bcos, they are contributed to immune system and in turn, P depends on immune system. (even, this idea is not scientifically proven)

But, on the other hand, some will think that, by having a restricted diet(depends on how it is limited), we could have missed some of the vitamins or nutritions that we need and as a result jeopardize the balanced food intake.

What do you guys think?

I have no idea and don't have any experience on this. Dom, I am very glad if you would like to write something on diet? Or, anyone?

I remembered attended one seminar from a company in Plaza Pantai that claimed their herbal medicine could clear/cure P. But, we I turned to them for medication, they thought with my condition is it not worth it to try their product, since it is too severe and could become worse.

But, seem like they believe in diet as well.

How about exercise, yoga, gym, games? Anyone find it work?


Number of posts : 3
Age : 49
Registration date : 2008-07-13

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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Re: Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by qse150 Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:30 pm

actually HWK, p is what u call "auto-immunity" disease. So never stay on the same medication for too long. Switch regularly. Keep infected area moisture.

Other forums in the internet been talking bout GLA acid, vitamin d, vitamin e which would help. Currently i am taking Eve Primrose oil with GLA acid. Planning to include vit d into my supplement intake to see if it helps or not. There are people out there with positive results and also people with no results.

Also, a lot of people in euro with p been making annual trips to the Dead Sea Jordan just to get the sun to do the work. Lol. There's been positive results. But i dont think i can afford the cost of annual trip to Jordan plus u gotta stay there for a month. But try going for other beaches in our area. Beaches and sun and seas are good for us. I once went to bali ..came back with sexy tanned skined Very Happy Although i wonder why when i came back from phuket it does not make much diff ..must have been the booze Razz

As for me, i didnt control my diet but there's a certain stuff i try avoiding. One bad experience taught me that. The only two stuff i avoid are the Pumpkin and the Durians ( I MISS EM Sad ) I even tested myself a few times. Flare up the next day each time i ate those two fruits. But from what i read on the net, different people has different diet. So its hard to say. You have to keep trying to find the best diet for yourself.

But ONE important thing to avoid is the BOOZE. Beers, Alchohol will easily sparks a flare up. Btw, u try taking MTX and beers. I end up bed ridden for a week. Ugh ....!!!
Suspect Suspect

Exercise ..yeah ...i exercise almost daily. There's once i follow a team of basketball player for 4 months. Quite a strenous exercise for those bunch. But strangely P made major clearance after that. Although it came back after a few months of clearance. Tooo bad.

Stress is one of my main reason for flare up. So i have learn stress management or i'll turn affraid affraid

Dom, Pagano's diet is quite strict. I even irked at just reading it. Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Hat's down on you man. I cant survive without red meat.


Number of posts : 23
Registration date : 2008-06-20

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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Re: Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by Dom Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:05 pm


Yes ... you are correct. P is suppose to be embedded in 10% of the populations genes. Only 2-3% reach onset. My trigger was very likely a strep throat infection when I was 27 years old.

With regards to health, diet and immune - meet me in the other thread mate. I'll start sharing my "regiment" there.


Durians ... yes - I had the same problem. But now that I am on acitretin - I ate 10 biji yesterday and so far so good (touch wood). If I flare, will let you guys know ... ha ha.

Number of posts : 92
Registration date : 2007-02-07

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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Re: Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by mattcorp Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:49 pm

Hi guys, I'm new in here. Itz great reading your experiences and very enlightening. Hv to admit I don't research half as much as u guys do.

I had P on 20% of my scalp some 10 -12 years back. EXTREMELY stressed up & almost quit as my job entails public speaking. Until some1 told me about a skin condition which is reverse... skin falls faster than it grows... realise I wasn't too God forsaken after all.

Now I only hv a thumb sized spot on my scalp & the rest... down under. Since its not public gallery, I'd only cream it as & when.

I alternate between Cortisone & Eumovate creams (steroid based ohoh) & lately Diprosone. It does clear my peepee for 3 days maybe. No good on the other areas though. Is there anything which can hold up more than 3 days ah?

Looking at the lighter side (QSE150 agreed), this is my stress meter... I've learned to manage my stress better.


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Registration date : 2008-09-19

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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Re: Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by Dom Sat Sep 20, 2008 11:51 am

Hi Mattcorp,

Great to hear from you and welcome to the forum Very Happy

First of all - I am curious how you found us. Can you share so that I can keep track of how the awareness is spreading?

With regards to scalp - I found this to me one of the toughest to clear. However systemic meds have helped me alot. thought I still flake (very little in size) now and then. I still dread sitting on dark colored chairs.

There is another post here about using Neem soap. Perhaps you can try that? Once I find where to get it locally - I might give it a go too. Currently has not reached the point where I am desperate to order from the www just yet.

With regards to "down under", I do get it ocassionally but Elomate and Cuttivate does the job nicely. clears in couple of days and does not come back after months. Seems like your case is stubborn.

Perhaps you need to try a "combo tactic". Say steroid + systemic steroid (short dose). Or say Neem + steriod kinda thing. Whack it (I mean the P Very Happy ) with a combo tactic prescribed by your derm of course.

I once got persistent P on my palms and the doctor tried using a needle to inject the steroids under the skin. Durn painful lah ! So I don't recommend it for the "u know where" Embarassed

Hope some of the other forum members can share with you tactics on tackling P down under. Just one last note - I'm sure you are aware that you need to use the lighter steroids for the sensitive areas (derms advice honest)

Number of posts : 92
Registration date : 2007-02-07

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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Re: Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by mattcorp Thu Oct 02, 2008 10:33 pm

yeah, gotta ask my derm next time.

As for finding this forum, it was by accident actually, was just casually surfing about P in Malaysia, and in particular, I remembered a feature about an association in Malaysia. Tot there wuz a website to browse.

BTW, the derm may be right about steroids on sensitive places. Used to get lacerations at first, so I use less frequently. Wink chao for now.


Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2008-09-19

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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Re: Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by virtual_girl Sun May 10, 2009 6:58 pm

hallo everyone..i found out this website accidently while surfing also..

i got this psoriasis from the age of 12.till now, i'm, 27years old,far alhamdulillah i can maintain this disease but of course i try to find how to cure it.. Very Happy

hope through joining this blog can help me to find it..


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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Re: Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by dewadurjana Mon May 11, 2009 10:43 am

virtual_girl wrote:hallo everyone..i found out this website accidently while surfing also..

i got this psoriasis from the age of 12.till now, i'm, 27years old,far alhamdulillah i can maintain this disease but of course i try to find how to cure it.. Very Happy

hope through joining this blog can help me to find it..

cheers salam.. virtual_girl... welcome to the forum.. cant imagine about 15 years you have the p... i'm about 7-8 years... but sometimes feel give up about it...


Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2009-04-30

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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Re: Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by virtual_girl Wed May 13, 2009 12:50 am

dewadurjana wrote:
virtual_girl wrote:hallo everyone..i found out this website accidently while surfing also..

i got this psoriasis from the age of 12.till now, i'm, 27years old,far alhamdulillah i can maintain this disease but of course i try to find how to cure it.. Very Happy

hope through joining this blog can help me to find it..

cheers salam.. virtual_girl... welcome to the forum.. cant imagine about 15 years you have the p... i'm about 7-8 years... but sometimes feel give up about it...

yup..15 years it had been spreading all over my body..sometimes i also think it has become worse.treatment that i got from GH is just to maintain the P,not to cure it.In fact,at certain area especially at face i have to use 'dermovate' ointment to cover the redness.eventhough i know the impact but i have to since i'm working at bank and have to deal with clients.

i have never thought of getting married at all b'coz of this worsen certain times i feel very down of having this disease.especially after my mom has passed away las 2 years.she is the one who always support me and give courages to face this disease.but then,life must go on!..thinking of that will get me too stress n somemore worsen my P..

i can also feel that ,my life is just around the corner.i always feels that my body get worse b'coz of the side impact of the medicine n cream that i apply for the P. Rolling Eyes


Number of posts : 5
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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Re: Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by dewadurjana Wed May 13, 2009 10:57 am

[/quote]yup..15 years it had been spreading all over my body..sometimes i also think it has become worse.treatment that i got from GH is just to maintain the P,not to cure it.In fact,at certain area especially at face i have to use 'dermovate' ointment to cover the redness.eventhough i know the impact but i have to since i'm working at bank and have to deal with clients.

i have never thought of getting married at all b'coz of this worsen certain times i feel very down of having this disease.especially after my mom has passed away las 2 years.she is the one who always support me and give courages to face this disease.but then,life must go on!..thinking of that will get me too stress n somemore worsen my P..

i can also feel that ,my life is just around the corner.i always feels that my body get worse b'coz of the side impact of the medicine n cream that i apply for the P. Rolling Eyes[/quote]

Hi virtual girl.. dont felt down... sorry for your mom.. we all here can give you support because " kami rasa apa yg kamu rasa, kami alami apa yg kamu alami" dont worry about your soulmate.. let the All Mighty planing for you.. just throw away your worried and be happy.. from my knowledge in reading.. typical external are not worse than using the oral medicine...


Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2009-04-30

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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Re: Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by virtual_girl Wed May 13, 2009 9:13 pm

dewadurjana wrote:
yup..15 years it had been spreading all over my body..sometimes i also think it has become worse.treatment that i got from GH is just to maintain the P,not to cure it.In fact,at certain area especially at face i have to use 'dermovate' ointment to cover the redness.eventhough i know the impact but i have to since i'm working at bank and have to deal with clients.

i have never thought of getting married at all b'coz of this worsen certain times i feel very down of having this disease.especially after my mom has passed away las 2 years.she is the one who always support me and give courages to face this disease.but then,life must go on!..thinking of that will get me too stress n somemore worsen my P..

thanks dewa for the spirit given.luckily have found this website where i can meet with those who also feel what we feel right now as P patient.hope we can be strong enought to fight for it.. Smile
i can also feel that ,my life is just around the corner.i always feels that my body get worse b'coz of the side impact of the medicine n cream that i apply for the P. Rolling Eyes[/quote]

Hi virtual girl.. dont felt down... sorry for your mom.. we all here can give you support because " kami rasa apa yg kamu rasa, kami alami apa yg kamu alami" dont worry about your soulmate.. let the All Mighty planing for you.. just throw away your worried and be happy.. from my knowledge in reading.. typical external are not worse than using the oral medicine...[/quote]


Number of posts : 5
Age : 42
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Registration date : 2009-05-10

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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Re: Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by haniey Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:34 pm

hye virtual_girl... dun b down just bcoz u got P...
i've it for 20 years+++...
n i'm 25 year now...
dun give up looking 4 cure for P n marriage too...
even though i've got P n my P getting worse day by day but my hubby still luv me the way i am..
n we just hepi wif our marriage n will expecting our 1st baby end of oct..
never give up to find luv or married just bcoz u got P...
i've tried many medication but it just not long lasting...
now i just using "univate" to control it...


Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2008-12-21

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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Re: Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by JenY Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:52 pm

hi virtual girl.....i had psoriasis for 7 years. Almost 100% of my body are full with red spot and scalp,i understand how is the feeling of people asking what is that, seeing people, cannot wear short sleeve........Now i am 90% recovered from psoriasis so i am happy to share some experience with u how i recover from it. I am staying at segamat now.


Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2009-07-31

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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Re: Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by elinny Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:15 pm

virtual girl..i used to feel the same way before..having psoriasis for the last 8 years, n counting.. Smile
but dont feel so down..when u found the right man..he wont b bothered abt those sure many of us hv gone through this..i did..n i got married eventually last year..
i still find it hard to believe n still kept apologizing to my hubby for not having a clear smooth skin like those supermodels in the megazine...hehe


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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Re: Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by hazwan_ep67 Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:18 pm

hi all...

im new here.
i very happy to hear that there are forum for this p disease which i feel so not confident with that..

Thanks and i will always put all my effort towards to share in this forum.


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Registration date : 2010-11-22

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Treatment to Psoriasis Empty Re: Treatment to Psoriasis

Post by Admin Sun Jan 02, 2011 7:43 am

Hi Hazwan,

Thanks for joining this forum. I hope your psoriasis is better now.



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Location : Dom is flaring :)
Registration date : 2007-02-07

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